Saturday, January 4, 2014

My 8 years of waiting... Battle against Authorhouse

My 8 years of waiting...

Battle against Authorhouse

On the year of 2005 I suppose to start my writing career with the publication of my first book, named, Enigma, descubre el misterio, (translation) Enigma,uncover the mystery, so in that time I unfortunately contact Authorhouse and went through the publication process with them, which I can described as tormentors, they were suppose to correct the book from any grammar errors (as part of their job) but instead they send me the errors, for me to corrected and they even charge me a $50 fee for every time they do it and that happens more than five times, even when I was sure that everything was alright, they supposedly find errors and send it back to me along with the fees and the worst is, that some of them looks like the same errors that I corrected before, (of course that way they can charge more and more) so after that the manuscript suppose to be error free, but for my surprise it wasn't.

when I finally got in my hands the first copy of my book that was just published, it was full of grammar errors, even the few words that have on the back cover, (in other word, it was horrible) after I have paid more than $2,000 the truth is that I was so frustrate with the result that I decide to tell them to cancel the sell of my book, but they told me it was already in promotion, but I told them, that I know is only available on your online book store and they told me that they will do it;
but a month later, I search Authorhouse book store by curiosity and I saw my book on sale in Authorhouse book store, I got disappointment and I call them immediately and ask them, why my book is still on sale in your book? and they start making non sense excuses, like, the one who suppose to take it out, doesn't do it, so I ask them, did I have any sales? but they told me, no, nothing have been sell yet and I told, I want you to put it out of stock right now and they told again, that they will.

so a week later I checked Authorhouse book store and this time it wasn't there anymore, so I was okay with that, but I don't realize about how fraudulent they were acting all the time from the beginning, because I didn't took the time to learn more about the publishing process, (that's why crooks like this take all this advantage); but then, five years later, one day searching the internet I found my book been advertise around the world and available in different languages, I was shock! so I decide to try to buy one, to see if it was real that it was really on sale and for my surprise it was all real, when I receive the book that I pushed, I notice that specific copy doesn't have all the grammar errors that my first copy that I received from Authorhouse does have, so I was very angry, I call Skip mikely (the one who went through the publishing process with me and he never answers and when I call try to talk with someone about this they keep me on hold for long time or they just tell me that they don't have nothing to do with that;

frustrate, I try to search for a lawyer in Florida, but no one do copyright cases in here, so, I post a complain online on complain board and rip off, one day in the complain board a lawyer contact me telling me, demonstrating a genuine interest in my case his name was Brian Felgoise, he just exchange a few emails with me asking for information and never gave any updates about the case and then he just disappear and I never heard about him anymore, I was feeling more disappointing, but after that one from rip off I was contact for one of the writers that were complaining in that site, telling me to contact, Eric Vaughn-Flam because he was going to start a class-action lawsuit against Authorhouse, well at list this time this one game some updates but after a while of taking the case, one day after 6 months of being enroll in the class action lawsuit I started to receive weird emails from other writers like this:
On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 3:23 AM EDT Christina Ibbotson wrote:
>Hello fellow authors,
> My name is Christina Ibbotson. I am one of the authors in the pending
>class action suit against AuthorHouse. I have received an email from
>attorney Eric Vaughn-Flam, regarding this matter, and later was Cc by
>author Emmie Ross in her reply to Eric. I am writing to you, in
>conjunction with author Melissa Pettignano, in opposition to the reply that
>Emmie Ross sent to Eric. I have not included Emmie Ross or Barbara Lee in
>this email due to differences of opinions and conflicts of interests.
>Nevertheless, Melissa and I find it especially crucial to address this
>matter with you directly, given that the authorship/livelihood of all of us
>is at stake, as we speak.
>Emmie has asked Eric to wait until *after* the Appeal is filed before
>moving forward. I don't believe this is a wise or fair request on Emmie's
>part, due to the fact that Author Solutions, Inc. sued Barbara Lee, for
>certain reasons. Emmie Ross was Barbara Lee's witness, not a Defendant,
>and none of us have anything to do with that case.
>>Neither, Barbara Lee, or Emmie Ross, has lawyers representing them in that
>case; Barbara Lee responded Pro Se, and it appears that she lost the case. And
>thus the need for them to prepare the Brief for the Appeal, as well as the
>overall tone stated by Emmie: that "*there was no way humanely possible for
>any attorney to win against ASI*"!
>That might be fact, when going Pro-Se against these publishers, but that is
>not true for us who stand a great chance to have legal representation right
>when we need it! In short, Barbara Lee's current battle, and Emmie Ross'
>involvement with it, doesn't fall under the same category that all of us
>Please refer to the following link to see Barbara Lee's Chronological Case
>Our feeling is that if we wait for Barbara Lee's case to continue through
>its many stages, the statutes of limitations, for several or for many of
>us, may run out, and, at that time, no lawyer on this planet can help us. We
>are the ones pursuing justice for our cases, and certainly have suffered a
>great deal, and waited a long time to finally come across a team of experts
>willing to represent us.
>Even though Author Solutions sued Barbara Lee, this does not mean that
>Barbara Lee and Emmie Ross don't have their own issues against AuthorHouse,
>which means that they can join our class action at this time, if they so
>choose to, perhaps even while contending with the ongoing case. The
>"Author Solutions, Inc. vs. Barbara Lee" case may take a lot longer than
>anybody anticipates, and we, who have been blessed with this team of
>wonderful lawyers, have a right to proceed within the timetable offered to
>us, without any sense of split loyalties.
>We are sure that if you all contacted attorney Eric Vaughn-Flam it is
>because AuthorHouse has stolen your royalties, has taken your book hostage,
>and has violated the contract that you have with them. AuthorHouse has
>done terrible things to us, and none of us should be asked to put our
>golden opportunity, to settle this matter, on hold, simply because Emmie
>Ross and Barbara Lee are busy with Barbara Lee's unrelated case.
>It is not up to Emmie Ross to say whether we should proceed with our case
>or put it on hold, it is up to us. Emmie Ross, by no means, has the right
>to speak for any of us. We have our own voices and it is our time to go
>ahead with Eric and his class action counsel in taking care of the issues
>Indeed, attorney Eric Vaughn-Flam was not only sincere enough in his
>willingness to stick with us, but also considerate enough to continue
>looking into this matter with other counsel, on our behalf, and report back
>to us. At the end of the day, it is our own case against AuthorHouse, for
>which we are seeking justice and restitution.
>Emmie wrote: "Barbara and I have gone into bowels of the ASI "lion den" in
>order to help over 70,000 authors take ASI to court."
>Well, please consider this: it is our own cases that help us get into court
>for the wrongdoings that AuthorHouse has bestowed upon all of its authors,
>not Barbara's case, in which Author Solutions, Inc sued her and she's still
>filing appeals. If they have 70,000 authors then they can have their own
>class action whenever Emmie Ross is ready to proceed with the 70,000
>authors, but we, who are with Eric, are a solid group who wants to move
>forward with our own lawsuit against AuthorHouse.
>As you know, Eric (the attorney) mentioned in his email to us all that the
>roadblock has to do with arbitration. This does NOT mean that Eric and his
>team of counsel haven't found a way around it. Eric and his team have
>asked us authors if any of our claims go beyond the exact terms of our
>contracts, and I already know that myself and Melissa Pettignano contain
>entirely different claims that is copyright infringement, which is not
>subject to the arbitration clause. The same situation may apply to a
>number of you reading this email.
>In regards to the "Burden of Proof" that Emmie mentions in her email, the
>Burden of Proof went attacked by counsel to ASI, when it was uncovered that
>the Burden of Proof was inaccurate and the court threw it out.
>I appeal to all of you, to wish Barbara Lee and Emmie Ross well in the
>current case they're tackling, but please remember the suffering that you
>have endured at the hands of this underhanded, evil publisher, and let's
>move forward with Eric and his team of counsel. This opportunity may not
>come around a second time this quickly.
>Through the Grace of our Good Lord, Jesus Christ, we will triumphantly
>overcome this battle and win!
>In closing, if you are determined to tackle AuthorHouse, win the case and
>get this behind you, please submit to Eric anything he has requested, ASAP,
>and let him know that you all are as well on board to proceed to the next
>step.Thank you for your time.

after this he drop the case without any notice, but now a new law firm seems to emerge, who is already investigating Author solutions, Giskan, Solotaroff, Anderson, & Stewart law firm that specializes in class action lawsuit, hopefully everything goes different than before, (with that I mean, better) because I have already wait for justice too long and there is a lot more authors out there waiting and seeking for justice too.

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