Hizo la noche su cometido, enfrio con su oscuridad la serenidad de un dia,
Mas las sombras que se escondian salieron a la luz, tomaron forma y aterrorizaron a los corazones valientes, sus voces confundieron a los decididos.
La muerte intento asesinar la vida, la entrada no encontro la salida,
Era una hora confusiva, las tinieblas cubria mas de una tercera parte de mi vida,
preguntaba, pero no tenia respuesta y asi mas mas me preocupaba,
vi la vida casi muriendo frente a mis ojos, oi sollozos, senti impotencia y basio que habian quedado en el hastio.
Pero una lluvia nueva limpio ese abismo que nos separaba y un trueno potente y sorpresivo fue decipando todo aquel torbellino.
Entonces vi la vida victoriosa de haber vencido la muerte, ya no reinaba la luna llena, si no el sol con un arcoiris a su alrededor, convenciendome, de que todo esta bien,
no hay mas que temer.
In the dark moments:
The night did its mission, turn to cold with his darkness the serenity of a day. plus the shadows that were hiding, came to the light, took form and terrorize the brave hearts, their voices mistook the determined, the death try to kill the life, the entry didn't found the exit; Darkness covered more than a third part of my life, it was a very confusing hour, I was searching for answers, but life seems speechless;
And so, I worried more, I saw life almost dying, before my eyes, I heard sobbing, I felt emptiness and impotence who had stayed in the tiredness, but a new rain clean this chasm that separated us and a powerful and surprising thunder clear my mind from that whirlwind, then, I saw life who'd come victorious from defeating death, as not reigned the Moon, but it is the Sun, with a rainbow to it's surrounding's, convincing me, that everything is fine, there is no more fear to find.
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