My 8 years of waiting + The conquer quest
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Videos de nuevo talento
Una de las mejores voces femeninas
Friday, February 14, 2014
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Slowly(english short version)
Slowly goes by, the night, taking all my hopes, turning off, the starts in the sky;
with the collapse of the peace, it comes, the full moon treated my inner me;
so unwanted like this sad reality, that bloke's the promise of my sanity
my feelings confuse the thoughts in my mind, in this deep dark hour,
there is no light I can find, slowly is the waiting, to clear off this raining
I strive to see the sun shine and defeat on this battle, called life.
lentamente se va la noche y con ella envuelta mis
ilusiones, con el regazo de la luna llena
viene el colapzo de una paz que nunca
llega, tan ilojico como el ansiado sueño
de la soledad y se desvela mi alma
corriendo tras una verdad, ya no se si es
fantasia, solo se que mis lagrimas me
dormitare en la boca del dragon, sere
buscada como aquel perdido eslabon,
soñare con las ganas de amar y ser
amada y finalmente de la cama sere
lentamente se va la noche y con ella la
espesura de un derroche, con el silencio
me marcho sin contestar, con la
tempestad de aquel absurdo malestar, se
que en mis brazos te volvere a encontrar
y tal vez tu a mi me vas a extrañar, pero
un dia todo va a terminar y entonces
juntos sonambulos vamos a volar.
con el desmayo de horas perdidas, por el
susurro de una despedida se perdera el
encanto en unas lagrimas ajenas,
esperando una promeza que nunca llega,
todo pasa lentamente en una noche
Slowly goes by, the night, taking all my hopes, turning off, the starts in the sky;
with the collapse of the peace, it comes, the full moon treated my inner me;
so unwanted like this sad reality, that bloke's the promise of my sanity
my feelings confuse the thoughts in my mind, in this deep dark hour,
there is no light I can find, slowly is the waiting, to clear off this raining
I strive to see the sun shine and defeat on this battle, called life.
lentamente se va la noche y con ella envuelta mis
ilusiones, con el regazo de la luna llena
viene el colapzo de una paz que nunca
llega, tan ilojico como el ansiado sueño
de la soledad y se desvela mi alma
corriendo tras una verdad, ya no se si es
fantasia, solo se que mis lagrimas me
dormitare en la boca del dragon, sere
buscada como aquel perdido eslabon,
soñare con las ganas de amar y ser
amada y finalmente de la cama sere
lentamente se va la noche y con ella la
espesura de un derroche, con el silencio
me marcho sin contestar, con la
tempestad de aquel absurdo malestar, se
que en mis brazos te volvere a encontrar
y tal vez tu a mi me vas a extrañar, pero
un dia todo va a terminar y entonces
juntos sonambulos vamos a volar.
con el desmayo de horas perdidas, por el
susurro de una despedida se perdera el
encanto en unas lagrimas ajenas,
esperando una promeza que nunca llega,
todo pasa lentamente en una noche
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
En los momentos oscuros / In the dark moments
Hizo la noche su cometido, enfrio con su oscuridad la serenidad de un dia,
Mas las sombras que se escondian salieron a la luz, tomaron forma y aterrorizaron a los corazones valientes, sus voces confundieron a los decididos.
La muerte intento asesinar la vida, la entrada no encontro la salida,
Era una hora confusiva, las tinieblas cubria mas de una tercera parte de mi vida,
preguntaba, pero no tenia respuesta y asi mas mas me preocupaba,
vi la vida casi muriendo frente a mis ojos, oi sollozos, senti impotencia y basio que habian quedado en el hastio.
Pero una lluvia nueva limpio ese abismo que nos separaba y un trueno potente y sorpresivo fue decipando todo aquel torbellino.
Entonces vi la vida victoriosa de haber vencido la muerte, ya no reinaba la luna llena, si no el sol con un arcoiris a su alrededor, convenciendome, de que todo esta bien,
no hay mas que temer.
In the dark moments:
The night did its mission, turn to cold with his darkness the serenity of a day. plus the shadows that were hiding, came to the light, took form and terrorize the brave hearts, their voices mistook the determined, the death try to kill the life, the entry didn't found the exit; Darkness covered more than a third part of my life, it was a very confusing hour, I was searching for answers, but life seems speechless;
And so, I worried more, I saw life almost dying, before my eyes, I heard sobbing, I felt emptiness and impotence who had stayed in the tiredness, but a new rain clean this chasm that separated us and a powerful and surprising thunder clear my mind from that whirlwind, then, I saw life who'd come victorious from defeating death, as not reigned the Moon, but it is the Sun, with a rainbow to it's surrounding's, convincing me, that everything is fine, there is no more fear to find.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Enigma, Uncover the mystery
Enigma, uncover the mystery
sci fi novel
We are born in a world full of all kinds of conflicts, specially racial; would it be the fact that we can't understand each other? We live in a world with great abundance of mystery, maybe one day we will find the meaning of everything, True is, that life is like the most complete movie that can exist which can easily be the most successful in the career of our existence, which can make us capable of all kinds of actions, but what happens when reality meets fantasy? will it be easier to accept a lie than the truth? but there is a fact, that most find more fascinating the supernatural than the normal, good or bad we are always looking for answers, would it be that inside of each one lives the essence of that lost kingdom? everything remains in silence and from the silence emerge a story created from the mystery, Enigma...
Introduction to the story:
in the year 3,300 a legend arises called, enigma, it comes of a major change that took place for the 2,999 year, caused by a catastrophe that make's the Earth rotate in the opposite side of the Solar system transforming the cold regions into hot regions, there was so many things that they were hidden in the depths of the glacial that came to the atmosphere, and so, that way, it was discovered many things, that was a secret from centuries and millenniums, it seems that the world, returned to start all over again from 300 years by now, but knowledge continues, they had to find a new way of survival from the catastrophes and wars, now in some regions people live under the surface of Earth and in other regions they live under the empty space of the ocean , it has been said that the year 2,999 it was the year when the world was paralyze and human race gone mad by its own knowledge and lost control when they reach 90% of intellectuality of their brains, and then, there was the beginning of a new era, a story that build Giro, Solar, Aurora, and some other characters that soon will emerge on this story too...
The premonition:
That night Aurora sits down at the window of her room to contemplate the deep dark sky, suddenly a tear falls from her eyes when
she recalls about her tragic past and said, I will never forget that day, my parents who worked for the intelligence of the
nation were executed in front of me, I was only 10 years of age and in front of my brother too who was 15 years of age
immediately passing that, we got removed from the House, we were taken to a ward, but after three years has passed my brother has
became a scientist and finish building a House and so he walk away from the ward and took me with him and together we went
to live in the House that he had built under the sea in a empty space where there is oxygen in a different landscape, so
that is how it has been my life and my brother's,difficult but not impossible, that's what my mother used to said; but it
still haunts me the noise of those shots and the military taking us by force out of the place, but still I don't understand
what was the reason for all of that, but I know that one day I will be able to learn the truth, then tired Aurora lies on
her bed and goes to sleep and then she start dreaming about an invasion of human beings from other planets;
The invasion:
Where an empire begins another end's, the space in which we move is like a mirror of repeated actions and that is like
dimensions that take us to the past; Then one day after that dream in the morning of the next day in the Millennium 3000 of
the 31st century, it was seen in the sky signals of many huge triangular spaceships the lights was silver and gold all like from
another world, they came from a distant planet, called alpha, all when landing seemed as if had disappeared their ships
is that they were camouflager as part of its technological system, all of those being's were 8 to 10 feet tall and to avoid not be attacked they
wore a garment that camouflager, they came from there planet as a refugee's on planet Earth because their planet it was been
destroyed in a constant war against the other two planets that attacked them called Unerta and Esferla, all toxins of their
combat weapons is now exterminating all animals and plant life on the planet alpha, they were responsible for extinguishing all
life on Orunio and now that planet is inactive, Unerta and Esferla worked together in a unit of a great evil empire, they
have much in common because they are planets of great riches and a stunning technology that together have operated sowing
panic in the universe, these two planets that have four moons of crystal individually, at times approach and by times
deviate turning around the solar system, some calls
them shooting planets like the (shooting stars) because in the world
they are the only one's rotating that way.
Everything is nothing/ Todo es nada
Every story has there end, nothing last forever in this temporary land,
time had taken almost everything from us, but tell me, who can stop the
clock? and take back what time has stole us?
Everything is nothing, what can satisfy, what is real need? money, fashion and sex, just let emptiness, replacing indeed what love can give...
some people don't seen to realize, that beauty is a temporary glory, like the flowers in spring, soon winter will come visiting
remember the essential part of your life comes from the inside...
Everything is nothing, what can satisfy, what is real need? money, fashion and sex, just let emptiness, replacing indeed what love can give...
some people don't seen to realize, that beauty is a temporary glory, like the flowers in spring, soon winter will come visiting
remember the essential part of your life comes from the inside...
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